
What is a Crown?

In a heavily filled or broken down tooth, your dentist may advise a crown in order to protect the remaining structure. The outer layer of the enamel is removed so that a crown (which is like a hat over your tooth) may be fabricated.


These are porcelain materials with a very natural enamel like appearance. It gives an excellent cosmetic result.

The cost for dental crowns in Scotland at our practice is £390 to £450 per unit when done privately.

Visit Appletree Dental Care today for a consultation to see if this is the right treatment for you.

Porcelain bonded to gold crown

Porcelain bonded to gold crowns. This is a very strong crown suitable for anterior and posterior teeth. However as the gum shrinks back with age there may eventually be a thin line of the metal showing after several years at the neck of the tooth.

For Private treatment, the cost is £340 per tooth.

A post for a crown

This is used in a situation with very little tooth substance left but where there is a root still present. This root must have been root treated (the nerve has been removed). A post can be drilled into the root and then used to fit a crown over.

For Private treatment, the cost is £70-£200