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Enlighten Whitening


Appletree Dental Care is proud to offer the amazing Enlighten teeth whitening system, guaranteed to provide dazzling results for even the dullest of teeth.


Enlighten teeth whitening is one of the most advanced systems for whitening your teeth and can make teeth up to 14-16 shades brighter. Enlighten is also one of the most permanent whitening treatments, with results that can last a lifetime. If you suffer from badly stained teeth and other whitening treatments haven’t worked in the past, then our Glasgow Enlighten whitening service could be the answer.


Each Enlighten whitening treatment involves custom-made bleaching trays which are made using impressions of your teeth. This means that when you wear your tray there is an optimum amount of contact between your teeth and the whitening gel. You must wear the trays with whitening gel for 14 consecutive nights and on the 15th day visit your dentist for a 1-hour deep bleaching session, for a truly white smile.


Enlighten lasts a great deal longer than most teeth whitening treatments and you can continue using the product after your initial treatment without fear of sensitivity. This is down to the specialised gel used in Enlighten teeth whitening, which minimises sensitivity, and also a special swab that desensitises any temporary effects. Trays can therefore be used for one night every eight weeks to maintain a dazzling, white smile without fear of damage to your teeth.


Enlighten can brighten even the darkest of teeth and if used correctly has a 95% success rate, with nearly every case reaching the highest grades of whiteness. Tea, coffee, food and smoking stains can all be treated with Enlighten and be removed for good, with a level of permanence not available from other whitening systems.

Other whitening systems dehydrate your teeth, and once hydration has returned so does the discolouration. This is not the case with Enlighten, which uses a lower amount of bleach concentrate in comparison to other whiteners. Although a lower concentrate means a longer treatment time, it also means gentle, long-lasting and safe results, which are a great deal brighter and more permanent than other whitening products.

If you are interested in Enlighten Teeth Whitening at one of our Glasgow practices, please feel free to book a consultation at the practice to see what we can do for you.

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