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Chipped, Discoloured and Overcrowded Teeth: Braces and Porcelain Veneers Case Study

Leanne was referred by her dentist on the South Side of Glasgow with a tendency to grind her teeth and break her fillings. She felt that her teeth were badly chipped/damaged, shorter than they were previously and heavily discoloured.

Another issue was the crowding or malalignment of her lower front teeth.

Following a lengthy consultation we agreed that the lower crowding should be dealt with initially to stabilise the bite with clear braces using ceramic orthodontic brackets and tooth coloured titanium wires.

Clear Braces Treatment

These appliances are similar to Six Month Smiles or Clear Step CFast systems. During the six month period of braces treatment the decay and infection around several back teeth were also treated.

This prepared Leanne for her ultimate objective: to have porcelain veneers and crowns on her top teeth.


Leanne asked that the porcelain on her top teeth would be a little bit brighter than the unadjusted lower teeth. The front six top teeth were minimally prepared using a technique which allowed her bite to be opened in order that no enamel was removed from the biting edge. Sharp corners were polished and the outer surfaces merely roughened.

This technique facilitates an easier fitting appointment with porcelain veneers. Upper back teeth required crowns as they either had large, metal, old fillings or existing failing crowns.

Comprehensive Dental Treatment Plan

Leanne’s treatment took eight months in total and cost £7580 including lower orthodontic retainer, root canal/preparatory work for all porcelain and braces fees plus X-rays.

She was relieved to have completed her treatment without having lost any back teeth.

That was a pleasant surprise. I thought I would need several implants at the back of my mouth but Brendan advised that keeping as many natural teeth as possible was the easiest and quickest way to stabilise my bite. I can’t thank him and his team enough for their kindness and consideration from start to finish.

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